Category: Drives

The Long Way Euround 2024 – Summary 1

The Long Way Euround 2024 – Summary

The Long Way Euround 2024 is now the third of these big road trips in Classic cars I’ve organized.  To me an adventure like this is the best part of classic car ownership.   Its not just about owning the car, but about the experiences that come along.   Each to their own, but I really don’t understand the attraction of owning a classic that is...

The Long Way Euround – The Cars 2

The Long Way Euround – The Cars

On our 3,900km road trip, we had 10 cars participate.   None of the 10 required a lorry to return home.   However, pushing these cars hard over such a distance is going to result in a few minor mechanical issues.  On the whole the cars did incredibly well, considering we drove them as they were designed to be used when new. A few of the...

The Long Way Euround – Day 6: Bombala to Sydney 3

The Long Way Euround – Day 6: Bombala to Sydney

Today was the final day of our big Classic Mercedes Road trip.   We started at 6:15AM in Bombala where it was 2 degrees outside.    We were down to 9 cars, as one of our drivers had some unexpected work commitments that came up, so had to leave his car in Melbourne. We stayed in the pub in Bombala.  I generally only book places...

The Long Way Euround – Day 4: Euroa show, great driving roads and MBCV BBQ 4

The Long Way Euround – Day 4: Euroa show, great driving roads and MBCV BBQ

Today was day four of The Long Way Euround, the Classic Mercedes road trip I am doing through NSW and Victoria.  Day four was one of our busiest, and so far probably best days on the trip. Yesterday we had finished in Bendigo. Even though the total amount of driving was less than over days, we had a lot to cover.   We made out...

The Long Way Euround – Day 3: The Grampians, Goldfields Way and a wrecking yard 4

The Long Way Euround – Day 3: The Grampians, Goldfields Way and a wrecking yard

Today was the third day of our Classic Mercedes road trip.   Yesterday we finished in Horsham after driving the Silo Art Trail.   Horsham is a great starting point for The Grampians National park, which was our drive for the morning. It was quite cold and wet as we rolled out of Horsham at 6AM.  For the first part of our drive, we were still...

The Long Way Euround – Day 2: Mallee region and Silo Art Trail 2

The Long Way Euround – Day 2: Mallee region and Silo Art Trail

Today was the second day of our big Classic Mercedes road trip through NSW and Victoria.   Yesterday, we finished up in Cobram, Vic, after a day driving the windy roads of the Upper Murray Region.   Day 2 had the longest distance driving of the trip, so we woke up early. ready roll out by 6AM. The morning greeted us with grey skies and steady...

The Long Way Euround – Day 1:  The Upper Murray 2

The Long Way Euround – Day 1: The Upper Murray

Today was the first day of my annual Classic Mercedes road trip – The Long Way Euround.   While the major event that anchors the trip is the Australian National Show and Shine in Euroa, it is more about the trip than the destination.   I’ve previously covered the plan for the six days of the event. We started our road trip in Bathurst.  Trying to...

Planning a 2024 Classic Mercedes Road trip – The Long way Euround 2

Planning a 2024 Classic Mercedes Road trip – The Long way Euround

Each of the last two years, I have done an extended road trip in Classic Mercedes.   I have found them so enjoyable that it has become an annual event.   There is such a sense of adventure exploring our beautiful country in a classic car.   There is even more of a sense of adventure avoiding motorways and driving exclusively on back roads, through great scenery...

MBCNSW August 2024 night drive – Multiple breakdowns 0

MBCNSW August 2024 night drive – Multiple breakdowns

The August night drive was a repeat of the southwest loop we did last year.  On the night of the drive, the weather was pretty bad, so we only had a few people come on that drive.   Since the route was really good, I put it on the schedule again for this year. After a cold winter, the day of the drive was unseasonably...

MBCNSW July 2024 night drive – Wisemans Ferry 0

MBCNSW July 2024 night drive – Wisemans Ferry

Ever since we started the night drives in 2020, I’ve wanted to do a route going north from Wisemans Ferry.   The issue was the poor road surface along Wisemans Ferry Road as it goes parallel with the Lower Hawkesbury.   Some of the potholes were big enough to swallow up a W201. Given the lack of lighting it wasn’t really a suitable place for a...

MBCNSW June 2024 night drive – Clovelly to Kurnell 0

MBCNSW June 2024 night drive – Clovelly to Kurnell

The June MBCNSW night drive brought back a route that we last used in October 2021.    It was held one week later than normal since I was overseas last week.   That was probably good from a weather point of view, as it apparently poured all week.   Last night was somewhat better, with only scattered showers. The more inner city night drives can be...

MBCNSW May 2024 Night Drive – Northern Beaches Loop 0

MBCNSW May 2024 Night Drive – Northern Beaches Loop

Last night was the MBCNSW May night drive.   This drive was a little different to what we normally do.   Instead of a longer drive on semi-rural twisty roads, this one was shorter and far closer to the city. The genesis of this drive came from remembering how peaceful it was up at North Head in the evening.   The views back to the city and...

MBCNSW April 2024 Night Drive – Bridge to Bridge 0

MBCNSW April 2024 Night Drive – Bridge to Bridge

The April 2024 night drive was a repeat of a route we last did two years ago.   On that night, I tried two different cars before withdrawing, both of them having brake issues.   In addition, recent bad weather kept the numbers down.   This month was a much better experience all around. The drive was dubbed the ‘Bridge to Bridge’ drive.   Basically we would take...

Bathurst to Goulburn scenic drive 0

Bathurst to Goulburn scenic drive

One of my favourite day trip drive near Sydney is the Oberon to Goulburn Drive.   I’ve done this drive in both directions and its a great mix of different roads, plus limited traffic.   I even incorporated this road in my recent trip to Melborne. I had also seen that the parallel road that goes south out of Bathurst was also paved in the last...

MBCNSW March 2024 Night Drive – Club Library 0

MBCNSW March 2024 Night Drive – Club Library

This month’s night drive was a bit different.  Instead of meeting up and doing a drive for 60-90 minutes, we did a very short drive and then went to check out the club library. I’ve been a member of the Mercedes Club for between 10 and 15 years.  I knew the club had a library, and I heard it was pretty good, but I...

Classic Jalopy