Tagged: 1965 250SE

W111 Becker Grand Prix Stereo 0

W111 Becker Grand Prix Stereo

The choice of radio for my 1965 Mercedes 250SE Cabriolet was not an easy one.   I don’t know what radio the car had in it’s early years.   It is a diplomat delivery car, that was picked up from the factory in Stuttgart.   The original radio would have either been a slimline model, or perhaps a radio delete plate.    At some point, some butcher...

M129 Heat Exchanger 0

M129 Heat Exchanger

My 250SE Cabriolet had a feature I was not aware of.    Underneath the injection pump is an oil/coolant heat exchanger.   This was also an option on late 230SLs.    Instead of a separate cooler that the M130 engined cars have, the heat exchanger helps warm up the oil when the engine is cool and cool it down when the engine is hot. There...

New tyres for my W111 250SE 0

New tyres for my W111 250SE

I recently drove down to Canberra in my 1965 250SE.   This was the first time I had taken the car on a longish trip in a couple of years.   The main reason for that was the running issue had been experiencing with the car over the last few years.   I finally solved this issue last year by fitting a new electronic distributor. On the...

W111 123 ignition – part 2 2

W111 123 ignition – part 2

In the first part of this series, I installed the 123 ignition distributor and got the car running.   This part focuses on test driving the car and fine tuning the install.    I should note that the 123 ignition distributor has nothing to do with the W123 Mercedes.  A couple of people assumed I was fitting a distributor from a W123.    The 123...

W111 123 ignition – part 1 2

W111 123 ignition – part 1

A couple of weeks ago, I posted an update about my W111 running issues.      A reader who is an expert in these cars suggested I fit a 123 ignition distributor.    His feedback was that even if it doesn’t solve my current running problem, it is a very worthwhile upgrade.    My mechanic also thought the issues were probably ignition related.   Based...

W111 poor running issues and becker update 3

W111 poor running issues and becker update

My 250SE has been suffering from poor running issues for almost two years now.   It started not long after I got the car back from being repaired from the impact with the Kangaroo.   Despite a lot of work to try and rectify these issues, they are still plaguing the car. The challenge is that these are intermittent problems, and so hard to diagnose.   I...

W111 alternator upgrade 2

W111 alternator upgrade

This last week my 250SE has been at the workshop having an alternator upgrade.   Back in 2020, my alternator gave up, and I replaced it with a rebuilt 35A alternator.    Ever since then, that alternator has struggled to charge the car.    It would charge the battery when driving along during the day, without any accessories.   But as soon as the A/C was...

Troubleshooting the Classic Auto Sound Becker tribute radio 1

Troubleshooting the Classic Auto Sound Becker tribute radio

I installed the Classic Auto Sound Becker tribute radio in my 250SE a couple of years ago.   The W111 series are supposed to have a slimline radio instead of a DIN size.   Unfortunately, a previous owner cut my dashboard to DIN size.   This meant putting the correct radio for the year was now practically impossible.   Instead of putting a 70s Becker instead, I went...

Rebuilt Mercedes brake calipers 2

Rebuilt Mercedes brake calipers

I attempted to attend the MBCNSW May night drive with two separate cars.   Coincidently, I had the same brake issue with both cars.   On both cases I experienced a soft brake pedal, and on further investigation a very hot drivers side rear wheel.    The rear caliper was not releasing properly causing it to drag and boil the brake fluid. I knew the hoses...

250SE refusing to start and the importance of not jumping to conclusions 0

250SE refusing to start and the importance of not jumping to conclusions

The other day I had to move the 250SE out of the way to access the 280SE.   The 280SE was parked in a fairly inaccessible spot until I had sorted out the fuel injection.   With that looking promising on the test gauges, it was time to take it for a proper test drive.   I had not been driving the 250SE of late, as the...

Troubleshooting stuttering and stalling in my 250SE 3

Troubleshooting stuttering and stalling in my 250SE

My 250SE has not been running well lately.      Back in April, I hit a Kangaroo and the car was repaired during May and June.    In July, the state of NSW plunged into a strict lockdown for COVID-19, preventing more than minor trips up to the shops for necessities.    It was during one of those trips that I noticed that car...

My 250SE is now repaired and better than ever 2

My 250SE is now repaired and better than ever

After the impact with a Kangaroo, my 250SE Cabriolet is back on the road and better than ever.    While the damage didn’t look that bad at first, the repairs required were extensive.   Unlike when you hit another car, A Kangaroo is ‘softer’ damage that isn’t as apparent to the naked eye.   It would be the same for hitting a Deer or other medium...

W111 Cabriolet rear seatbelts 4

W111 Cabriolet rear seatbelts

I’ve always been a little surprised that my W111 Cabriolet rear seatbelts were lap only.   Mercedes-Benz were such pioneers of safety at the time that it seemed odd that they wouldn’t have fitted lap/sash seatbelts.   It hasn’t been a problem for me as I so rarely had passengers in the rear of the car. That has started to change as my kids are getting...

250SE crash repair update – paint 1

250SE crash repair update – paint

Today I went by to check out how things were going on the 250SE crash repair.   Last week the panel work was nearly complete and the car was almost ready for pant.    The paint was just done yesterday so it was good timing to take a look at the car.    It’s looking really good! The front chassis, wing and bonnet are now...

W111 Kangaroo damage repairs 5

W111 Kangaroo damage repairs

Back a couple of weeks ago, I hit a Kangaroo in my 250SE.   I’m Insured through Shannons who handled the claim well.  Surprisingly, impact with an animal does not impact my premium.   The car is now with All Classic Car restorations in Brookvale, and I’ve popped down to take a look at it a couple of times.   All Classic also did the repairs to...

Impact with a Kangaroo 9

Impact with a Kangaroo

Earlier this week I took my 250SE on an extended drive.   I had wanted to try a route going north via the Putty road, across towards Mudgee and the back.     The roads were really good but ultimately this is really a two day drive and would be more enjoyable with some more stops.    You could make a really nice weekend road trip...

Classic Jalopy