Monthly Archive: August 2020

July and August Night Drives 6

July and August Night Drives

I’m a member of a few different car clubs (Mercedes, Jaguar, Citroen), but am rarely able to make events.   With a young family the times rarely work for me.   A lot of the time I spend either working on or driving my cars is late at night.   I figured I am not the only one in this situation, so after a poll of a...

New Jaguar E-Type fuel pump 3

New Jaguar E-Type fuel pump

A couple of months back, I noticed a bad fuel smell from my E-Type.   I was able to trace the problem to a leaking E-Type fuel pump.   The car still had the original points type SU pump, which are rebuildable.   After speaking to a few people, and doing some research, I decided to purchase a new pump.   The new SU pumps are a solid...

Classic Jalopy