This evening I was able to make good progress on the DS. First, I was able to fix a few of the issues with the instrument cluster, where the illumination wasn’t working for the gauges and the light for the heated rear window wasn’t working. (The heated rear window doesn’t work, but at least the light does!) I also spent a bit...
I’ve always regarded the Mercedes W111 Coupe and Cabriolet range as the pinnacle of the regular Mercedes-Benz models. True there were always Gullwings and 500K roadsters, but they are really in a class of their own. They were always rare cars, but the W111 Coupe/Cabriolet in right hand drive are that rarer again. I’ve owned a 250SE coupe (LHD), and currently own a...
I’ve been working on getting the Retrosound Model 2 radio installed in the Citroen DS. As this website points out, the DS does not provide a lot of options to install a decent radio. The little ‘cubby’ in the dashboard is too small for most radios, and the original ones are expensive and not particularly good. I’ve been a fan of the...
Today I attended my first Citroen club tech Day. The event was at Schenk & Co Panel Beaters in Lidcombe. It was a great event. I got a lot of great advice on my car and was able to drive two manual Safaris (a 67 ID21 and 74 ID23). I also got my dash back in and tested a lot...
The instrument cluster of my Citroen DS needed to be removed to fit the new Retrosound Model Two radio I had purchased for the car. While it was out, I had a few things I wanted to address: My temperature gauge was disconnected The silver circles around the gauges were peeling off There was minimal speedometer illumination, a problem in our world full...
The one thing about my E-Type Jaguar that stuck out like a sore thumb after I bought it in 2010 was the 80’s cassette deck that has been installed in place of the original radio. This looked like an easy thing to update. I first looked at Ebay to see if I could get an original radio but even broken radios were going...
Went to the Sydney Shannons auction last week. The Shannons auctions are a great way to see what classics area really selling for vs the tired 6 month old ads you see online with insane price expectations. The picks of the auction in my mind were the Blue XJ12C and the Red 230SL. Somebody got a bargain on a massive Caddie, and...